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Nokia Codes

*#7780# Factory Reset

*#67705646# Clear the LCD display

*#0000# Check Your software version.
*#2820# Check your Bluetooth device address.

*#746025625# Sim Clock Status.
*#62209526# Display the MAC adress of WLAN

#pw+1234567890+1# Shows SIM Restriction.

*#92702689# Secret menus where u can found:

*#4720# Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart

* # of res wallet #

 *# 2820 #
16.12.03 Bluetooth (BT) device address indicate.
xx #

*# 0000 #
16.12.03 SW version announcements (e.g. V3.42.1, 16-10-03, Nhl-10)

IMEI: *#06#

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